If you need to transfer tickets from one Assembla Space to another you have two options you can use our JSON or CSV export and import options.
JSON backup format export includes:
Ticket Comments
Ticket Activities
Ticket Associations
Custom Fields
Custom Field Values.
Ticket Reports
(JSON and CSV import will not include attachments)
You can find the export option under Tickets> Settings> Export&Import
Select Export your tickets option an export job will be scheduled and run in the background, once complete it will display Dump is ready for download
You will then download the dump then go the new space where you need to transfer the tickets and find the Import option in Tickets> Settings> Export&Import
You will choose the downloaded file and select
Import from Json (Downloaded from this site)
Then Import Tickets option to start the transfer. The tickets will appear in the new space once the transfer is complete. You can also see Import status on the Export & Import page.
Import from CSV option works the same as Json but will only transfer tickets and will not include any additional data.
You can export the CSV file from your selected ticket list Tickets>List
Select CSV then download
You will then download the CSV then go the new space where you need to transfer the tickets and find the Import option in Tickets> Settings> Export&Import
You will choose the downloaded file and select Import from CSV (Assembla's CSV format)
(JSON and CSV import will not include attachments)
Have questions? Email us at support@assembla.com
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