Merge Request & Inline Comments
A merge request (MR) is a request from someone to merge in code from one branch to another. You can create a MR from Assembla by clicking on “New Merge Request,” which is in almost all of git sub-tabs.
You’ll be asked to select a “From” branch and a “To” branch. Select the branch FROM and TO where you want to merge. Once you do this you’ll see that the “Create Merge request” button will be enabled - only if there are changes among them - and it’ll show you some information like commits, files affected, and tickets affected.
You need to enter a MR summary in order to enable the Create MR button. The description is an optional field.
Note: If you want to delete the FROM branch after MR is merged or ignored just mark the checkbox.
Once your MR is created you can find it in the “Merge Requests” sub-tab. To access it just click on it. In your MR page you’ll see some options that you can work on like:
- Upvote or downvote a MR: After revision you can upvote a MR or downvote it.
- Merge and Close button: If everything is OK you can merge it and closed it with one button
- Ignore button: If a MR was created by accident or if it’s irrelevant you ignore it.
New version: If there is a new commit on the branch, the new version button will get enabled so you can create another version of your MR.
- Inline Comments: You can add inline comments by clicking on the green icon on each line of code. To see the files you just need to go to the “Files Affected” tab, and click on the “view diff” link.
Inline Comments can be found at:
a) Affected files where it was submitted
b) Comments sub-tab - which can be enabled from the Git Tool Settings page
- The inline comments have a direct link which will redirect you to the affected file and it will open the inline comment automatically.
- Each inline comment has a reply button where you can easily respond to someone - it will send a mention to that person.
Comparing branches, tags, commits, and even repositories
As you have already seen in MR, you can compare your files while you are creating a MR. You can also compare your files directly just by going to the “Compare” sub-tab and select the branches that you want to compare. If there is any difference detected by assembla they’ll be shown above.
You’ll be able to see the Commits, the files affected and the tickets affected and of course you can create a new MR from there as well.
What you cannot do is to post inline comments. Inline comments are only available when a MR is created.
Protected branches
Did you know that you can protect your branches? You can do this from Settings > Protected Branches (Beta).
There are 3 steps to properly protect your branches:
- Select your branch: You need to select the branch that you want to protect.
- Review Options: Select 1 of the 3 options from the list. The explanation of each one is on the protected branches page - You can read it on the image below.
- Grant write permissions: If you want to grant write permissions to some users in order to avoid the review options, just enter their usernames separated by commas.
- Click on the “Protect Branch” button
You can install server-side hooks from Settings > Server-Side Hooks (Beta). We already have some hooks that you can install and view their code source.
The normal workflow is as follows:
- Install: If you want to install a new hook just click on the “Install” button
- Follow the instructions: The instructions are not the same for all the hooks.
- Remove: If you want to remove an installed hook you can click on the “Remove” button
- Install more hooks: You can install more hooks if you want. Just click on the “Install a New Hook” link
If you don't like our hooks, or if you want to use your own hook in Assembla, you can propose your hook by clicking on the “Propose Your Hook” button at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.
Forks are a copy of your Git repository. You can Fork a Git repository by clicking on the “Fork” button which is in almost all of git sub-tabs like Source, Commits, MR and Fork Network.
If you fork a Git repository, it will create a new project or you can add it into an existing project. If you create a new project it’ll be counted under your project quota.
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