Team Tool
Assembla's Team tool allows Project Managers to add members to the team and control user permissions to collaborate with other project teams. In other words, Team tool is primarily used to -
- Add new team members
- Promote or demote user permissions of team members
- Invite other teams to collaborate with your projects
Q. What is Team Tool?
It's a tool that allows a space Owner to add members to the team, and also enables the Owner of the team to control user permissions and collaborate with other teams in a space.
Q. How can I get the Team tool in my space?
The Team tool is built into your space. However, if you do not see the Team tab in your space, you can easily add the tool via Admin > Tools page. Only a user with Owner permission can add the Team tool.
Q. How can I invite an Assembla user in my Space?
Open the Team tab in your space. Then enter the login, name, or e-mail address and click the "Search" button. Select the user that you would like to add to your team and then click the ADD button.
Within a few seconds, the system will add the user to your space team. At this stage, the user has not yet accepted membership, as shown in the screenshot below. The user will also receive an email alert to accept the invitation. Once the user accepts the invitation, the red cross icon will be replaced by the green checkmark next to the username, as shown in the screenshot below.
User has not yet accepted membership
User accepts membership
Q. What roles does Assembla support?
We support 3 different roles:
- Owners have ALL permissions to change the project configuration, content, and team.
- Members have EDIT permissions and can create, edit, and delete content. You can grant them ALL permissions from the Admin > Security page.
- Watchers have VIEW permissions and they can only see your content. This role has been designed for your customers. You can grant them more permissions like EDIT from the Admin > Security page.
If your space is PUBLIC, an extra role is added in your space, but it is only visible from the Admin > Security page and not from the Team tool. This role is called PUBLIC ACCESS and it allows non-Assembla users to have access to your space without signing up for Assembla. You can grant them VIEW or EDIT permissions and they will work as watchers; the difference is that any activity they do will be record as anonymous.
Q. How can I invite a new team member in my Space who does not have an account with Assembla?
Open the Team tab of your space. Then enter the e-mail address, choose a role and enter a message (optional). Finally, click on the 'INVITE' Button.
Upon clicking the INVITE button, the user will be added to your space team, and will also receive an email alert to accept the invitation. When the user accepts the invitation via the email alert, he/she will be taken to the sign-up page to create an Assembla account. After signing up, the user is taken to the Assembla Start page where he/she can see the space he/she has been invited to.
Q. How can I invite people from other teams?
Open the Team tab of your space and click on the link 'Invite people from other teams.' Then select the users from other teams and click on the 'Invite Selected' button. They will be added to your space team and will also receive an email alert to accept the invitation.
Q. What happens when I invite someone to the team?
When you create a space, you can invite new team members via the Team tab. We send them an invitation email message with your name on it. If they do not click through and register, we send them one reminder after 4 days, and another reminder after 7 days. They can decline the invitation and be deleted, or they will be deleted after 14 days without a response.
Q. How can I view the profile of a team member?
Only users with Owner permissions can view the profile of a team member. Simply click on the team member. This will open a popup with a link to the user's profile. Click on the profile link to view the team member's profile.
Q. How can I remove a user from the Project team?
Open the Team tab of your space and click on the trash icon next to the username of whom you would like to remove from your project. Once you do so, the user will be removed from the space.
Q. How can I promote/demote a user in my space?
In order to promote/demote a user, open the Team tab. You can promote someone to a higher permission level with the UP arrow icon. You can demote with the DOWN arrow icon. Every space must have at least one owner.
Q. How can I give other teams access to my space?
You can give access to other teams from your portfolio. This can be done via the Share link on the Team tool of the space. The Share link is only available if the space is under a PORTFOLIO. Open the Team tab of your space and click on the Share link.
You can use this page to give other teams access to your space. Enter the name of the space you want to give access to and click the Search button. Click on the green plus icon of the project name from the resulting list. This action will expand the 'Share Permission as' section as shown in the screenshot below.
Finally select the permission type and click on the "Add" button. The permission will be saved and the project name will finally show up under the list of teams that have Shared access.
You can also edit the permissions of the team. The permission type are:
- Controlled (Owner, Member, or Watcher): Every person in the team will get the specific role that you choose. For example, "Watcher" would be ideal to share your project with customers or partner groups.
- Delegated: This will carry over the roles each user has in the delegated project (owner, member, watcher). This is convenient if you are setting up sub-projects that will have the same team and management structure as a top space.
Note: For performance reasons, this is currently limited to one level of sharing.
Q. How can I remove shared access from another team in my space?
Click the red minus icon next to the space name to removed shared association with your space.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at
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